Department Head Message from Dr. Mike Day

Welcome to the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry website! Established in 1863, Kansas State University is the nation's first land-grant institution. The first department dedicated to teaching animal agriculture was the Farming Department. In 1905, the Animal Husbandry Department was formed. In 1977, our name officially changed to Animal Sciences and Industry (ASI). The Department celebrated its 100 th anniversary in 2005.

The mission and vision of the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry is to provide education, service, and leadership to Kansas, national, and international stakeholders through the development, integration, and dissemination of knowledge of animals used for food, fiber, companion and recreational purposes. We strive to provide a safe, responsible, ecologically sustainable, and competitive food supply. Our core areas of excellence are:

  1. Food and animal product safety, quality and security,
  2. Sustainable animal production and management, and;
  3. Instructional excellence in undergraduate, graduate and stakeholder education.

Graduates of our department advance to successful careers in the animal and allied food industries, academia, veterinary medicine, public health, and government agencies. We have a proud tradition of training outstanding students in the animal, meat and food sciences. Award winning faculty dedicate themselves to excellence in teaching and promoting life-long learning. Opportunities for multicultural and social activities abound at the university. Our graduate student population is truly global. We continually seek to widen the perspectives of our students, faculty and staff. Our strategic plan includes working with our College of Agriculture's Student and Staff Success Office to make sure we are inclusive and responsive to meet the educational needs for all people.

ASI faculty and staff possess a range of talents, interests and disciplines. Many are recognized as experts and leaders in their field of study. They are dedicated to producing outstanding scholarship and serving our Kansas stakeholders through our missions of teaching, research, extension, and public service. Faculty dedicate themselves to work with students by providing personal advising to plan their academic program and serve as advisors to club activities. Our award winning undergraduate and graduate teaching faculty are among the best in the United States.

The animal, meat and food industries present excellent opportunities for a student to work on the cutting edge of science. Students can help challenges relating to the security, quality and safety of animal products, the application of biotechnology, the health and well-being of domestic animals, sustainable agricultural systems, environmental stewardship, production management, and more. Please explore our website and consider making K-State part of your academic goal for a real life education. We are Knowledge for Life !