DeRouchey, Joel

DeRouchey, Joel
Professor/State Extension Leader
222 Weber Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
785-532-7059 fax

Area(s) of Specialization

Swine Nutrition and Management


B.S. , South Dakota State University, 1997
M.S. , Kansas State University, 1999
Ph.D. , Kansas State University, 2001

Bio Brief

Dr. Joel DeRouchey grew up on a diversified purebred swine, cattle and sheep operation in Pukwana, S.D. He graduated with his Animal Science degree from South Dakota State University in 1997 and his M.S. (1999) and Ph.D. (2001) in Swine Nutrition from Kansas State University. He was hired in 2001 as the Northeast Livestock Extension Specialist for Kansas State University. In 2004, Joel moved to the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry and is currently full professor and State Animal Science Extension Program Leader and has a 50% Extension and 50% Research appointment.

A brief listing of Joel’s Extension and Research interests involve:

  • Provide farmers, allied industry and Extension agents with livestock related assistance and information.
  • Mentor and train swine nutrition graduate students in applied swine nutrition and management.
  • Help provide youth with swine experiences to increase industry knowledge and awareness of career opportunities in swine production.

Joel is the faculty coordinator for ASI 890 and ASI 990 Graduate Student Monogastric Seminar and formerly taught ASI 320 Principles of Feeding. Joel works with a productive applied swine nutrition team that maintains approximately 12 MS and PhD students. He has co-authored 332 refereed journal papers, 862 extension publications and field day reports and a co-advisor or committee member for 105 MS and PhD graduate students. Joel has been named the National ASAS Outstanding Extension Specialist, AFIA Nonruminant Nutrition Research Award, North Central Region Excellence in 4-H Volunteerism Award, and the 2010 by South Dakota State University as a Distinguished Young Alumni. Joel and his wife, Julene, have three children James, Jenna and Jacob and currently lives on a small farm near Wamego, KS.