Jones, Cassandra
Professor/ASI Teaching Coordinator
137 Call Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
785-532-4017 fax
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Area(s) of Specialization
Animal feed safety, livestock feed manufacturing, feed ingredient stability
View My Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
B.S. Animal Science and Industry, Kansas State University, 2007
M.S. Animal Science, Kansas State University, 2009
Ph.D. Nutritional Sciences, Iowa State University, 2012
Bio Brief
Dr. Cassie Jones is a Professor and Teaching Coordinator in the Department of Animal Sciences & Industry at K-State. Dr. Jones is originally from Beulah, N.D., where her family raised Rambouillet sheep. She earned her B.S. and M.S. in swine nutrition at Kansas State University and her Ph.D. in nutritional sciences at Iowa State University. In her current at K-State, Dr. Jones coordinates the animal science undergraduate teaching program, which is the largest major on campus with more than 800 undergraduate students and nearly 300 class sections offered annually. She serves as an academic advisor and teaches freshman orientation, as well as animal nutrition courses to undergraduate and graduate students. Dr. Jones also has a robust research program focused on understanding pathogen transmission through feed and ingredients. She is a regular resource to government and industry partners as they build science-based policy and implement best-practices for producing animal feed and pet food that is both nutritionally wholesome and safe. She and her husband, Spencer, have three children, Ty, Hayden, and Hadley, and raise Angus cattle in Wabaunsee County.
Recent Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
- Elijah, C.E., J.D. Trujillo, C.K. Jones, T. Kwon, C.R. Stark, K.R. Cool, C.B. Paulk, N.N. Gaudreault, J.C. Woodworth, I. Morozov, C. Gallardo, J.T. Gebhardt, and J.A. Richt. 2022. Effect of mixing and feed batch sequencing on the prevalence and distribution of African swine fever virus in swine feed. Trans. Emerg. Dis. 69(1):115-120.
- Blomme, A., C.K. Jones, J.T. Gebhardt, J.C. Woodworth, and C.B. Paulk. 2022. Assessment of soy-based imports into the United States and associated foreign animal disease status. Trans. Emerg. Dis. 69(1):137-148.
- Stewart, S., C. Jones, J. Gebhardt, J. Woodworth, C. Paulk, C. Vier, O. Harrison, C. Zumbaugh, and S. Dritz. 2022. The application of environmental monitoring of PEDV within a swine system during a disease outbreak. J. Swine Health Prod. 30(5):308-312.
- Harrison, O.L., J.T. Gebhardt, C.B. Paulk, J.C. Woodworth, and C.K. Jones. 2022. Developing a gateway program for importing non-animal origin ingredients from regions with African swine fever virus. Trans. Emerg. Dis. 69(5):e1407-e1416.
- Harrison, O.L., J.T. Gebhardt, C.B. Paulk, B.L. Plattner, J.C. Woodworth, S. Rensing, C.K. Jones, and V. Trinetta. 2022. Inoculation of weaned pigs by feed, water, and airborne transmission of Salmonella enterica Serotype 4,[5],12:i:-. J. Food Protect. 21:418.
- Gebhardt, J.T., S.S. Dritz, C.G. Elijah, C.K. Jones, C.B. Paulk, and J.C. Woodworth. 2022. Sampling and detection of African swine fever virus within a feed manufacturing and swine production system. Trans. Emerg. Dis. 69(1):103-114.
- Dahmer, P.L., O.L. Harrison, and C.K. Jones. 2022. Effects of formic acid and glycerol monolaurate on weanling pig growth performance, fecal consistency, fecal microbiota, and serum immunity. T. Anim. Sci. txac145.
- Jeffrey, A., C.G. Aldrich, A.R. Huss, C. Knueven, C.K. Jones, and C. Zumbaugh. 2022. Effects of a dry acidulant addition to prevent Salmonella contamination in poultry feed. T. Anim. Sci. txab232.
- Dahmer, P.L., F. McDonald, C. Chun, C. Zumbaugh, C. Jones, A. Crane, T. Kott, J. Lattimer, and M. Chao. 2022. Evaluating the impact of feeding dried distillers grains plus solubles on Boer goat growth performance, meat color stability, and antioxidant capacity. T. Anim. Sci. txac060.
- Dahmer, P.L., C. Zumbaugh, M. Reeb, N. Stafford, Z. Buessing, K. Odde, J. Drouillard, A. Tarpoff, and C. Jones. 2022. Impacts of a post-transport/pre-processing rest period on the growth performance, anthelmintic efficacy, and serum metabolite changes in cattle entering a feed yard. T. Anim. Sci. txac085.