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ASI Faculty
Amamcharla, Jayendra
Aramouni, Fadi
Beyer, R. Scott
Blasi, Dale
Bormann, Jennifer (Minick)
Boyle, Elizabeth A. E.
Bradford, Barry
Breiner, Ryan
Brouk, Mike
Carson, Tim
Davis, Duane L.
DeRouchey, Joel
Douthit, Teresa
Drouillard, James S.
Faris, Brian
Farney, Jaymelynn
Fike, Karol
Fung, Daniel Y. C.
Getty, Kelly
Gonzalez, John
Goodband, Robert D.
Grieger, David
Hancock, Joe D.
Harper, Nigel
Hollis, Larry
Houser, Terry
Hulbert, Lindsey
Jaeger, John
Johnson, Sandy
Kouba, Joann M.
Lee, Charles
Mamedova, Laman
Marsden, James L.
Mendonca, Luis
Moser, Dan W.
Nelssen, Jim L.
Nichols, David A.
Nutsch, Abbey
Odde, Ken
Olson, K C
Phebus, Randall K.
Pope, Ronald V.
Purdue, Brad
Reinhardt, Christopher
Retzlaff, Deanna
Rozell, Timothy
Schaake, Scott L.
Schmidt, Karen A.
Sexten, Andrea
Smith, J. Scott
Stevenson, Jeffrey S.
Titgemeyer, Evan
Tokach, Mike
Unruh, John A.
Waggoner, Justin
Weaber, Bob