Food Safety and Quality Non-Degree Undergraduate Certificate



he Food Safety and Quality certificate requires the completion of college chemistry, biology, and microbiology before starting the program. The 20-hour, non-degree undergraduate certificate will provide students with an overview of safety and quality issues in the food industry.

The Food Science non-degree undergraduate certificate is open to students who live in the United States or are active duty American military.

Application Process
Participation in the Food Science Non-degree Undergraduate Certificate program requires application to the University as a non-degree student.

Starting Dates
Fall semester begins in late-August, spring semester begins in mid-January, and summer semester begins in mid-May.

For course availability, description, and cost, see the Course Offerings web site.

Non-Degree Undergraduate Certificate Program Guide

Dr. Abbey NutschVisit with Sarah!

Sarah Reasoner is our Distance Program Coordinator for this program.
