Shelf-Life Evaluation

With refrigerated display cabinets and freezers adjacent to sensory and microbiological laboratories, K-State is well suited for extended shelf-life studies of meat and meat products.

Product can be evaluated under specified lighting and temperature conditions for color and texture using instrumental and/or subjective color methods, pH, aroma, and microbial counts including total plate count, coliform count, generic E. coli count, psychrotrophic count, and yeast and mold count. Visual observations of product during storage can also be monitored.

K-State scientists and Extension assistants will work with you to determine the type of analyses and number of samples needed for evaluation of your product. Fees for shelf-life evaluation are dependent on services provided.

For assistance with shelf-life evaluation, contact:

Liz Boyle
Kansas State University
Department of Animal Sciences and industry
249 Weber Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-0201
Phone: 785-532-1247
Fax: 785-532-7059