1949 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: Tom Avery (Coach) and Paul Barrett
Front Row: Gerald Lawrence, Forrest Smith, and Charles Smith
1949 Poultry Judging Team
Paul Barrett
Gerald Lawrence
Charles Smith
Forrest Smith
Tom Avery, Coach
1948 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: Tom Avery (Coach) and Bill Johnson
Front Row: Richard Winger, Sykes trieb, and Tom Keigwin
1948 Poultry Judging Team
Bill Johnson
Tom Keigwin
Sykes trieb
Richard Winger
Tom Avery, Coach
1947 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: Tom Carleton, Victor Dewhirst, and John Tasker
Front Row: Tom Avery (Coach), Fred Glue, and Tom James
1947 Poultry Judging Team
Tom Carleton
Victor Dewhirst
Fred Glue
Tom James
John Tasker
Tom Avery, Coach
1946 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: Tom Avery (Coach) and Claude Moore
Front Row: Kenneth McGinness, Richard C. Eaton, and Carroll Mogge
1946 Poultry Judging Team
Richard C. Eaton
Kenneth McGinness
Carroll Mogge
Claude Moore
Tom Avery, Coach
1941 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: A.E. Schumacher (Coach) and Donald McWilliams
Front Row: Edward Buss, Theodore Levin, and Myron Hornbaker
1941 Poultry Judging Team
Edward Buss
Myron Hornbaker
Theodore Levin
Donald McWilliams
A.E. Schumacher, Coach
1940 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: H.M. Scott (Coach) and Wilbert Greer
Front Row: Howard Carnahan, William Winner, and Ray Morrison
1940 Poultry Judging Team
Howard Carnahan
Wilbert Greer
Ray Morrison
William Winner
H.M. Scott, Coach
1939 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: H.M. Scott (Coach) and Paul E. Sanford.
Front Row: A. Wade Brant, David Long, and Allen E. Starosta.
1939 Poultry Judging Team
A. Wade Brant
David Long
Paul E. Sanford
Allen E. Starosta
H.M. Scott, Coach
1937 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: Clyde Mueller, Jim Mugglestone, and Tom Avery (Coach)
Front Row: Doyle Reed, Floyd Maynard, and Irwin Miller
1937 Poultry Judging Team
Floyd Maynard
Irwin Miller
Clyde Mueller
Jim Mugglestone
Doyle Reed
Tom Avery, Coach
1935 Poultry Judging Team
M.R. West, C.L. Wahl, H.M. Scott (Coach), E.B. Winwer, and G.J. Brown
1935 Poultry Judging Team
G.J. Brown
C.L. Wahl
M.R. West
E.B. Winwer
H.M. Scott, Coach
1934 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: H.M. Scott, (Coach), and Irving B. Hawk
Front Row: John R. Patton, Ned O. Thompson, Lloyd J. Sconce and Leonard F. Miller
1934 Poultry Judging Team
Irving B. Hawk
Leonard F. Miller
John R. Patton
Lloyd J. Sconce
Ned O. Thompson
H.M. Scott, Coach
1933 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: T.B. Avery, and H.M. Scott (Coach)
Front Row: Melvin Wilson, Nevlyn A. Nelson, John Miller and C.J. Gish
1933 Poultry Judging Team
T.B. Avery
C.L. Gish
John Miller
Nevlyn A. Nelson
Melvin Wilson
H.M. Scott, Coach
1931 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: H.M. Scott (Coach), C. G. Page, and L.E. Croy
Front Row: Gilbert Moore, V.A. Unruh, and J.I. Miller
1931 Poultry Judging Team
L.E. Croy
J.I. Miller
Gilbert Moore
C.G. Page
V.A. Unruh
H.M. Scott, Coach
1930 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: H.M. Scott (Coach), L.A. Wilhelm, and E.S. Schultz
Front Row: J.R. Bentley, E.P. Schrag, Leonard Stewart and F.A. Mueller
1930 Poultry Judging Team
J.R. Bentley
F.A. Mueller
E.P. Schrage
E.S. Schultz
Leonard Stewart
L.A. Wilhelm
H.M. Scott, Coach
1928 Poultry Judging Team
S.R. Stewart, F.J. Raleigh, R.W. O'Hara, M.K. Fergus, and H.M. Scott (Coach)
1928 Poultry Judging Team
M.K. Fergus
R.W. O'Hara
F.J. Raleigh
S.R. Stewart
H.M. Scott, Coach
1927 Poultry Judging Team
H.H. Steup (Coach), L.J. Simmons, R.F. Brannan, J.R. Wells, and A.W. Miller.
1927 Poultry Judging Team
R.F. Brannan
A.W. Miller
L.J. Simmons
J.R. Wells
H.H. Steup, Coach
1926 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: H.H. Steup, Coach; and W.M. Mann.
Front Row: l.J. Simmons, L.E. Melia, and Vance Rucker
1926 Poultry Judging Team
W.M. Mann
L.E. Melia
Vance Rucker
L.J. Simmons
H.H. Steup, Coach
1925 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: William Mann, H.H. Steup, Coach; and K. Knechtel
Front Row: A.M. Watson, W. Wisnicky, S.M. Raleigh
1925 Poultry Judging Team
K. Knechtel
William Mann
S.M. Raleigh
A.M. Watson
W. Wisnicky
H.H. Steup, Coach
1924 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: H.A. Stewart and Stanley Caton.
Front Row: W.J. Kraus, H.H. Steup, Coach; and Robert Fort.
1924 Poultry Judging Team
Stanley Caton
Robert Fort
W. J. Kraus
H.A. Stewart
H.H. Steup, Coach
1923 Poultry Judging Team
(no picture available)
1923 Poultry Judging Team
M. Hendricks
George Montgomery
Harriet Myers
Fred W. Schultz
Loyal Payne, Coach
1922 Poultry Judging Team
Back Row: Loyal Payne, Coach; and B.A. Campbell.
Front Row: Robert Smith, Ben Grosse, Fred Stickler, and C. Blagg.
1922 Poultry Judging Team
C. Blagg
B.A. Campbell
Ben Grosse
Robert Smith
Fred Stickler
Loyal Payne, Coach
1921 Poultry Judging Team
Left to Right: Clyde H. Stout, N.R. Bickford, Loyal F. Payne, Coach;
C.O. Watson, and Artie Duree.
1921 Poutry Judging Team
N.R. Bickford
Artie Duree
Clyde H. Stout
C.O. Watson
Loyal Payne, Coach
First Federal Board Students Judging at the Great Heart of America
Poutry Show in Kansas City, Missouri
1st overall with a score of 2420